Help & FAQ

Got questions? We can help! First, check the FAQs below to see if the answer you’re looking for is there. If not, contact the team by emailing [email protected].

To get started

How much it costs to sign up?

To celebrate the launch of the SCALE Community, it is FREE to sign up! Create your profile and benefit from the educational content, groups, and forums within the SCALE Community for FREE.
**Paid Premium and Partner packages to be announced later in 2024.

How do I invite others to join the SCALE Community?

Easy, as a Community member yourself you can just go to your profile, click on “Email invites” and introduce the name and email address of the whom you’d like to invite. You can eventually send more invitations at once as well as customise the invitation email.

You can also find a sign-up link ( to share throughout your wider network to encourage more members into the SCALE Community. The more the merrier!

Community’s ABC

What kind of content can I find on SCALE Community?

SCALE isn’t just another social media platform. It’s your one-stop shop for success, offering the largest collection of training materials available anywhere. Dive into articles, videos, podcasts, webinars, and online courses – all created by the industry’s most influential experts and successful professionals.

But SCALE goes beyond education. It’s also a powerful networking platform where you can connect and exchange information with like-minded professionals. Build a thriving network, share ideas, and collaborate with others to take your holiday rental business to the next level. Unlike other platforms filled with distractions, SCALE provides a 100% non-commercial and supportive environment focused on your success.

Your profile

How can I access to my profile?

It’s very simple. You have to ways to access to you personal profile: by clicking on your name on the main menu (on the right hand side), or by click on “Profile” (first item on the top) on the left hand side menu (please note that this menu can be hidden. If it’s the case click on the 3 bars icon to open it).

How can I edit my personal information?

Your profile contains 2 types of informations: “Personal informations” which are the essential mandatory information we require upon registration, and “Additional information” which are complementary information (not mandatory) that complement your profile.

You can edit both by clicking on the “Edit” button located on the right hand top side of each block.

Is it possible to hide information from my profile?

Your “Personal information” cannot be hidden (apart from your surname), while in the “Additional information” section, you have full control over the visibility of each piece of info.

If you want to hide “Country”, “City”, “Linkedin Profile” and “Bio” from your profile (not recommended), just leave the 2 fields empty.

While for the fields “Gender”, “Preferred Language” and “Number units Managed” you have the choice to select who is allowed to see these pieces of information: “Public” and “All members” (the entire Community), “My Connections” (just members who are connected with you) and “Only Me” (the field is visibile only in your profile by you).

To edit the visibility, click on the “Change” button (located right under each field in the “Additional information” section), and select your favorite option.

What is the Complete Your Profile widget?

This widget reminds you how complete is your profile, showing the amount of information is missing. The widget will disappear as soon as your profile reaches 100% completeness.

Our recommendation is to complete your profile with as many information as possible, and to hide the fields you don’t want to share with all or part of the Community.

What information should I share on my profile?

Apart from the mandatory fields which are required to create your profile, you can decide what information you’d like to share on your profile. Most probably you are familiar with other social platform, so very similarly, the more info you share the more attractive your profile will be.

We consider that the most important over all is your profile picture, so we recommend you to add a nice headshot of you. Other info like “Country”, “City” or “Number Units Managed” will definitely complete your profile and help you to get in touch with members from the same region or similar interests.

If you want to become a contributor, you will be required to fill your “Bio”.


What are the groups for?

Groups are a fantastic way of following specific content topics of interest to you and networking with like-minded property managers who have shared interests and learning goals. Build your network easily, interact, engage, share and learn with content, posts, comments and more.

Can I start a new group?

If you have a suggestion for a group you can let us know in the regular surveys we send. Your suggestion will first be reviewed, if the group goes live and there isn´t any engagement within it, the group will be temporarily hidden in the Community. High demand and interest in engaging can get it reinstated.


How can I contribute to SCALE Community?

Either you are an experienced Property Manager, an industry expert, or a Short-Term Rental service provider, you’re welcome to share your content and your expertise with our Community. To get your content published, become a Contributor! It’s easy – fill out the form on this page. We’ll be in touch soon to finalize the process.

Can I share my content on the SCALE Community?

The SCALE Community thrives on valuable content, and we welcome all types of contributions – articles, videos, podcasts, webinars – that would benefit our members. To get your content published, simply become a Contributor! It’s easy – just fill out the form on this page. We’ll be in touch soon to finalize the process.

What is the difference between a Community Contributor and a Community Partner?
  • Community Contributor is a member of the SCALE Community who is a professional Property Manager, owner, investor or specialist and has valuable insider insights, experiences and lessons learnt, to share with the wider Community.
  • Partner Contributor is a member of the SCALE Community, who is a Short-Term Rental product or service provider, has valuable educational insights and will raise awareness of the latest trends, services and technologies within our industry that could help you.

Learn more about becoming a Contributor here: 

*Any individual working for an industry service provider who wishes to contribute must do so as a Partner Contributor in the name of the company they work for. Any individual working for any industry service provider who signs up as an individual and impersonates a Community Contributor will be removed from the Community with immediate effect.

I'd like to make a request/suggestion, what should I do?

We love hearing from our Community members! We will be sharing regular polls and surveys with you which will give you the opportunity to make requests.

Do you offer courses I can join?

Courses*, Masterclasses*, and more learning opportunities are on our roadmap for the SCALE Community. As a valued member, we will keep you up to date on when you can sign up for courses which will be available to all Premium Members* of the Community.

*SCALE Community live training content* calendar will be released later in 2024.
**Paid Premium and Partner packages are to be announced later in 2024.

Code of Conduct & Community Policies

Do you have a SCALE Community Code of Conduct?

Absolutely! Your comfort in our Community and security online is very important to us. You can see our “Code of Conduct” which includes our Community Commitment to you alongside our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

What happens if I need to report someone?

We hope this never happens, however, if you feel uncomfortable with another Community member, their content, or comments, please contact us immediately using the subject line “REPORT” in capitals, and send it directly to [email protected].

We take all complaints very seriously and will investigate the matter in hand.

You can learn more about how this will be handled in our Terms of Service.

Do you share my details with vendors/third parties?

No! Your company and personal details will never be shared by SCALE to any 3rd party. SCALE uses your details to communicate with you regarding the SCALE Community, and to subscribe to the SCALE newsletter for updates and events so you never miss out!

You can see more about how your data is used in our Privacy Policy.

Can I promote my business or services?

To keep the SCALE Community a space for valuable discussions and mutual support, we kindly ask members to limit self-promotion. This means avoiding spammy content and focusing on contributing to the conversation. If you’d like to explore promoting your business within the community, we’d love to hear from you! Just contact us at [email protected].